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AutoBooths .com - The Source for All Your Service Writer Booth Needs!

Multi-Station Service Booth

Single-Station Service Booths

Automobile dealerships are always exploring options to make service appointments as efficient, profitable, and customer service oriented as possible. AutoBooths .com has developed a way for Automobile dealerships to provide that service. Our prefabricated service writer booths offer an efficient, long-lasting and visually appealing way for automobile dealerships to provide excellent customer service. When space is limited in a service department and you are unable to provide more workstations, AutoBooth .com service booths can be purchased and placed in existing service drives in order to drive increased business for your service days.

service booth
Custom Service Booth

The service writer booth / service booth comes standard with two service writer’s workstations. Single person or larger than two service writer booths are available upon request. These service writer buildings are manufactured completely pre-wired and pre-finished ready for use. AutoBooths .com has the capability to customize any service booth to fit each dealerships' particular arrangement, including a wide range of sizes. AutoBooths .com also has an extensive list of options to accommodate any specific requirements needed by the service center.

Please call us at 1-800-882-5820, or contact us by email for more information about our service writer booths. We look forward to hearing from you.

Why Do you Need Service Writer Booths?

Maximize Your Service Shop's Potential! Enhance Customer’s Experience!

Reasons to have a Service Writer Booth for your Automotive Dealership Service Area:

  • With limited building space, increase productivity of service department while increasing customer satisfaction
  • Increased profitability of the service department
  • Long-lasting, prefinished turnkey application ready for easy & immediate use
  • Minimal maintenance required & can be customized to service department specific requirements